Bryan Upshaw and Genuine Jackson Mwasha Invite You to Join Our Mission to bridge the gap from orphanages to empowered community members in moshi, tanzania.

The Challenge:

Tanzania has over 1.2 million orphans

32,000 deaths occur every year from HIV/Aids alone.

60% of the population is under the age of 25

Recent studies show that youth who grow up in orphanages are 40 times more likely to have a criminal record, 10 times more likely to enter prostitution, & 500 times more likely to commit suicide. 

* Lumos Foundation

Only 14.3% of people employed in Tanzania are employees with formal jobs.

54.3 percent are self-employed and 29 percent are family workers

Our Mission:

At GTAS we are committed to creating businesses that not only give desperately needed jobs but care for young adults who grew up as orphans by providing training, coaching, pastoring, and counseling.

The Ridiculous Love of GTAS:

Our ridiculous love stems from our faith in Christ Jesus who left the comfort of the divine to become human, suffer, and sacrifice Himself for us. This ridiculous love propels us and inspires us to look beyond the immediate, envisioning a future where every individual can tap into their divine potential and contribute to a flourishing community.

Look through our website to see how you can transform lives with ridiculous love.